Mark J. Gross has been a fan of the sci-fi, fantasy and horror  genre, since being stranded on this planet in 1955. Not telling anyone I was stuck here with a broken time machine, shhhh.... on paper I hail from Baltimore Maryland.
 I have been a fan of this tradition of watching television and films and have so many favorites I love. Some are The Day The Earth Stood Still, 2001: A Space Odyssey, the original Planet of the Apes, Back to the Future, (Yes, I know Doc Brown), Forbidden Planet, and so many other classic sci-fi and horror from the 1950's right on through today. I loved all the Zombie films and when I was younger, From Hell It came and It Came From Outer Space scared the crap out of me! Creature Feature with Count Gore De Vol was a staple every weekend for me for years!!
I have attended genre conventions since the very early 1980's and met many celebrities attending these shows to talk and get their autographs. I also took my camcorder to videotape many conventions and I have amassed hours and hours of footage since the early 1980's.
This footage  I now have in my archives, or as I like to call it, my "Markives", ha-ha.
I had a cable access TV show in the late 1990's to 2002 called Cosmic Visions. This allowed me to begin to acquire press passes at conventions to actually interview these guest stars and use this material in the show.
I have met so many outstanding celebrities in this genre and have actually been lucky enough to have interviewed some of my favorites over the years,  such as, Ray Bradbury, Ray Harryhausen, Will and Jada Smith, Jonathan Harris, Frank Gorshin, Forrest J Ackerman, George Romero, and scores more which I will list soon.
I co-hosted a radio talk show in 2001, and have appeared in some films as an extra such as Cecil B Demented, Carmilla, and more. Believe it or not, I was actually a beauty pageant Master of Ceremonies for a nationwide pageant organization where I traveled every weekend 9 months a year from 1999-2002!! I flew to a different city each weekend to host the pageant with contestants aged 5-24. Yes, who would have though a guy like me that looks like a cross between, Richard Dreyfus, Stuart Little, and a Smurf would get that kind of a gig, but, the force was with me!
Currently I have been writing an ongoing column for Autograph Collector Magazine since 2005, where I still attend many genre conventions to interview the guest stars for my articles, as well as focus on the art of autograph collecting in this field! My column in the magazine is called the Sci-Fi Scene, by yes, Mark J. Gross. I am sure you have seen me interviewing at various shows. If anyone sees me upcoming at a show, let me know if you know someone that dabbles in repairing time machines, I could use the help.
I also market some of my older interviews I have put onto DVD format in my eBay store. I only market items pre 2005 as I do not wish to use material since writing for the magazine as this would be a possible conflict of interest with guests and show promoters!
I also have some awesome and  very unique sci-fi ,horror and fantasy collectables I have found over the years, comic books, rare magazines,  and my autograph collection in this genre is unbelievable! I am quite lucky.
Here are some websites for you to see while you're traveling the internet.
The Autograph Collector magazine site is or go to Barnes and Noble and pick one up! 

My Store is

We will be adding more content soon, so relax and go visit my buddy Count Gore De Vol's, Creature Feature the Weekly Web Program, the first horror host on the web!!